
Cursor is a database object to retrieve data from a result set one row at a time.
We are using cursor when we have have to perform operation Row by Row.

Life Cycle of Cursor:

Declare Cursor
A cursor is declared by defining the SQL statement that returns a result set.
A Cursor is opened and populated by executing the SQL statement defined by the cursor.
When cursor is opened, rows can be fetched from the cursor one by one or in a block to do data manipulation.
After data manipulation, we should close the cursor explicitly.
Finally, we need to delete the cursor definition and released all the system resources associated with the cursor.


Drop Table If Exists Employee

Create table Employee
Id int identity(1,1) Primary Key,
FirstName varchar(50) Not Null,
LastName varchar(50) Not Null,
City varchar(50) Not Null,
AadharcardNumber BIGINT Not Null,
FullName varchar(100) Null,

Insert Into Employee (FirstName,LastName,City,AadharcardNumber) 

-- declare variables used in cursor & cursor
Declare @Cursor Cursor
Declare @Id Int
Declare @FirstName varchar(50)
Declare @LastName varchar(50)

Set @Cursor=Cursor Forward_only  For
Select Id,FirstName,LastName from Employee 

-- open cursor
Open @Cursor
fetch Next From @Cursor into @Id,@FirstName,@LastName

-- loop through a cursor
  While @@FETCH_STATUS=0
   --Select @LastName+' '+@FirstName As EmpName
   Update Employee Set FullName=@LastName+', '+@FirstName where Id=@id
   fetch Next From @Cursor into @Id,@FirstName,@LastName

-- close and deallocate cursor
Close @cursor
Deallocate @cursor

Achieve same output using while loop (cursor Altrenative)

Set Statistics IO ON
Set NoCount ON

Declare @Id Int
Declare @FirstName varchar(50)
Declare @LastName varchar(50)
Declare @i INT=1
Declare @RowCount Int

Set @RowCount=(Select Count(1) from Employee)
While (@i<=@RowCount)
Select @id=Id,@FirstName=FirstName,@LastName=LastName from Employee where id=@i
Update Employee Set FullName=@LastName+' whileloop '+@FirstName where Id=@id
Set @i=@i+1

In above case small result set 8 rows only, but when large result set we can see difference  in performance.
if we run same query for 8000 Records, then below stats we can see,
please check above video for more details.

Cursor Stats,

While loop stats,

while loop
