Derived Table

A derived table is an example of a subquery that is used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement to retrieve a set of record.

when a derived table is defined a database object is not created, and the derived table falls out of scope when the outer query completes.

(No need to-R & I-- Retrieve From One Query & insert into One Table)

--Drop Table Project
Emp_Id INT,  
Emp_Name VARCHAR(30),  
Project_Name VARCHAR(30) ,
CreatedDateTime Datetime Default getdate()

Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(1,'Sagar','Survey managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(1,'Sagar','HR managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(1,'Sagar','Survey managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(1,'Sagar','HR managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(1,'Sagar','Survey managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(1,'Sagar','HR managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Internal Portal')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Wealth managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Internal Portal')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Wealth managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Internal Portal')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Wealth managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Internal Portal')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(2,'Rohan','Wealth managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(3,'Roshan','Internal Portal')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(3,'Roshan','Wealth managment')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(3,'Roshan','Internal Portal')
Insert Into Project (Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name) values(3,'Roshan','Wealth managment')

Select * from Project order by 2,3

-----------------------------Derived Table---------------
In this example T act as a Derived Table

--How to Find Duplicate Records?

Select * from 
Select Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name,
ROW_NUMBER()Over(partition by Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Project_Name Order By Emp_ID) As RN 
from Project 
T where RN>1

----------------------Join Derived Table

Select * from 
Select Id,FirstName,LastName,DepartmentId
From [dbo].[Employee]
) T Inner join [dbo].[Department] D
on T.DepartmentId=D.DepartmentId

We can function in derived table & vice versa.

Create FUNCTION FnConcatName
@firstname varchar(20),
@Lastname varchar(20)
RETURNS varchar(50)
   Declare @FullName varchar(50)
   Set @FullName=@firstname+' '+@Lastname

   RETURN @FullName

Select dbo.FnConcatName('Ajit','mehta') As FullName

call function in derived table

Select * from 
Select Id,
   (Select dbo.FnConcatName(FirstName,LastName)) As FullName
From [dbo].[Employee]
) T Inner join [dbo].[Department] D
on T.DepartmentId=D.DepartmentId

group by example as derived table,

Select C.Name,T.PatientCount from City C
Inner join 
Select Cityid, Count(1) PatientCount
from Patient P
Group by CityID
) T
On C.CityID=T.CityID
order By 2 DESC


Where it Stored?  --RAM--> memory
Can we create Index on it?  --No
Can we create constraint on it? --No
Can we Create Derived Table in Stored Procedure? --Yes
Can we Create Derived Table in Function? --Yes
How to Drop it? --No Need to Drop explicitely
scope --only to same SQL statement
Name overwritten ---yes, in one session we can use same name for derived table.
