- A function is a database object in SQL Server.
- it is a set of SQL statements that accept only input parameters, Return the result only a single value or a table (Result Set format)
- Column Name Must Be unique (No duplicate column names are allowed)
- User Defined Function doesn't support Exception handling , and transaction (begin Tran / commit Tran)
- We can’t use a function to Insert, Update, Delete records in the database tables.
- If we Use Insert/Update/Delete in Above function then it gives following error.
Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'DELETE' within a function. hence function cannot call stored procedure. - we can do Insert, Update, Delete DML operation on Table variable, but not on physical table.
2 Types
User Defined function (UDF) - user can create function.
3 Types of UDF
1) Scalar Valued Function
2) Table Valued Function
3) Multi statement Table Valued Function
System Defined function - already available in system - SQL Server.
Aggregate function
Sum(), Min(), Max(), Count(), Avg()
Sum(), Min(), Max(), Count(), Avg()
Date and Time function
Getdate(), Day(), Year(), Month()
String Function
Lower() Upper()
User Defined function (UDF) - user can create function.
1) Scalar Valued Function -
A Scalar UDF can accept 0 to many input parameter and will return a single value.
Return Datatype like Int, char, varchar etc.
Text, ntext, image and timestamp data types are not supported.
Create Function NumberCube(@a Int)
Returns Int
Declare @cube int
Set @cube=@a*@a*@a
Return @cube
Select dbo.NumberCube(2)
output - 8
Create Function [dbo].[fn_concatstr]
@firstName varchar(50),
@LastName varchar(50)
Returns varchar(100)
Declare @Fullname varchar(100)
Set @Fullname= @firstName+' '+@LastName
Return @Fullname
Create Function [dbo].[fn_concatstr]
@firstName varchar(50),
@LastName varchar(50)
Returns varchar(100)
Declare @Fullname varchar(100)
Set @Fullname= @firstName+' '+@LastName
Return @Fullname
Select [dbo].[fn_concatstr] 'Kishor','Sonawane'
output- Kishor Sonawane
2) Table Valued Function-
Return value is derived from the SELECT statement
No BEGIN/END block needed in the CREATE FUNCTION statement.
No need to specify the table variable name (or column definitions for the table variable)
Create Function [dbo].[fn_PatientListByCity]
@CityId Int
Returns Table
SELECT [PatientID]
,C.Name As CityName
FROM [HIMS].[dbo].[Patient] P
Inner Join City C
On P.CityID=C.CityID
Where P.CityID=@CityId
Select * from [dbo].[fn_PatientListByCity](1)
3) Multi statement Table Valued Function
Returns a table variable as a result of actions perform by function.
In this a table variable must be explicitly declared and defined whose value can be derived from a multiple sql statements.
It can have one or more than one T-Sql statement.
Within the create function Query you must define the table structure that is being returned.
Create function fn_PatientListByCity_Multi
@CityId Int
returns @Patient Table(PatientID int, FirstName varchar(50),LastName varchar(50),FullName varchar(50),CityName varchar(50))
Insert into @Patient
SELECT [PatientID]
,'' as FullName
,C.Name As CityName
FROM [HIMS].[dbo].[Patient] P
Inner Join City C
On P.CityID=C.CityID
Where P.CityID=@CityId
Update @Patient Set FullName=[FirstName]+' '+[LastName]
--It will update only in @Patient table not in Original table
Select * from [dbo].[fn_PatientListByCity_Multi](1)
we cant use temp table #tmp in user defined function.
we can join function with other tables based on column.
we call to function using select statement.
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