
  • A function is a database object in SQL Server.
  • it is a set of SQL statements that accept only input parameters, Return the result only a single value or a table (Result Set format)
  • Column Name Must Be unique (No duplicate column names are allowed)
  • User Defined Function doesn't support Exception handling , and transaction (begin Tran / commit Tran)
  • We can’t use a function to Insert, Update, Delete records in the database tables. 
  • If we Use Insert/Update/Delete in Above function then it gives following error.
    Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'DELETE' within a function. hence function cannot call stored procedure.
  • we can do  Insert, Update, Delete DML operation on Table variable, but not on physical table.

2 Types

User Defined function  (UDF)
- user can create function.

    3 Types of UDF

    1) Scalar Valued Function
    2) Table Valued Function
    3) Multi statement Table Valued Function

System Defined function - already available in system - SQL Server.

different types of it,
system defined function
Aggregate function
Sum(), Min(), Max(), Count(), Avg()

Date and Time function
Getdate(), Day(), Year(), Month()

String Function 
Lower()  Upper()

User Defined function  (UDF) - user can create function.
    1) Scalar Valued Function
A Scalar UDF can accept 0 to many input parameter and will return a single value.
Return Datatype like Int, char, varchar etc.
Text, ntext, image and timestamp data types are not supported.

Create Function NumberCube(@a Int)
Returns Int
Declare @cube int
Set @cube=@a*@a*@a
Return @cube

Select dbo.NumberCube(2) 

output - 8
Create Function [dbo].[fn_concatstr]
@firstName varchar(50),
@LastName varchar(50)
Returns varchar(100)
Declare @Fullname varchar(100)
Set @Fullname= @firstName+'  '+@LastName
Return @Fullname

Select [dbo].[fn_concatstr] 'Kishor','Sonawane' 

output- Kishor Sonawane

2) Table Valued Function-

Return value is derived from the SELECT statement
No BEGIN/END block needed in the CREATE FUNCTION statement. 
No need to specify the table variable name (or column definitions for the table variable)

Create Function [dbo].[fn_PatientListByCity]
@CityId Int
Returns Table
SELECT [PatientID]
      ,C.Name As CityName
  FROM [HIMS].[dbo].[Patient] P
  Inner Join City C
  On P.CityID=C.CityID
  Where P.CityID=@CityId

Select * from [dbo].[fn_PatientListByCity](1)

3) Multi statement Table Valued Function

Returns a table variable as a result of actions perform by function.
In this a table variable must be explicitly declared and defined whose value can be derived from a multiple sql statements.
It can have one or more than one T-Sql statement.
Within the create function Query you must define the table structure that is being returned.

Create function fn_PatientListByCity_Multi
@CityId Int
returns @Patient Table(PatientID int, FirstName varchar(50),LastName varchar(50),FullName varchar(50),CityName varchar(50))
Insert into @Patient
SELECT [PatientID]
   ,'' as FullName
   ,C.Name As CityName
  FROM [HIMS].[dbo].[Patient] P
  Inner Join City C
  On P.CityID=C.CityID
  Where P.CityID=@CityId

  Update @Patient Set FullName=[FirstName]+' '+[LastName] 
  --It will update only in @Patient table not in Original table

Select * from [dbo].[fn_PatientListByCity_Multi](1)

multistatement table valued function

we cant use temp table #tmp in user defined function.
we can join function with other tables based on column.
we call to function using select statement.
