Datatypes in SQL Server

 Datatype- A datatype defines a column contain what kind of value.

Table in SQL Server
Create Table Student 
Student_Id Int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int

Int, varchar(50) - These are data type.

We are using datatype in below (some sample) cases.

1) while creating Table.
2) while Altering Table.
3) while Declaring variable.

Declare @num float
Set @num=195.32
Print @num

4) Convert function - Cast function

Select Convert(varchar(5),Student_Id) As StudentId1  From Student 
Select Cast(Student_Id As varchar(5)) As StudentId2  From Student 

Student_Id column contain 1,2,3,4 Numbers it means we can store Numeric/ Integer values in this column.

Column value , variable acquire some memory in Database & it is dependent on Datatype Size. Student_Id Int , to store 1/2/3/4 Student_Id is of INT datatype, it consume 4 Bytes Space for each Student_Id value.

Different Datatypes in SQL server -

datatype in sql server

datatype in sql

Number / Integer Data Type - it is used for to save Integer Number.

TinyInt   1 Byte   =0 to 255
SmallInt  2 Bytes = -32,768 to 32,767
Int   4 Bytes =-2^31 to 2^31
Bigint   8 Bytes =-2^63 to 2^63

Declare @Number TinyInt
Set @Number=255
Select @Number AS Number

Declare @Number SmallInt
Set @Number=32767
Select @Number AS Number

Declare @Number Int
Set @Number=451344333
Select @Number AS Number

Declare @Number BigInt
Set @Number=4513443335564545454
Select @Number AS Number

Decimal Datatype - used for to store decimal / Numeric Number, for example 125.545

Decimal & Numeric are the same One.Decimal (Precision, Scale) = 125.36  = Precision is 5 and scale is 2. Precision will be 1 to 38 number based on that storage bytes require 5 to 17 resp.

float & real are used for to store small number.
float - 4 Bytes or 8 Bytes , real -  4 Bytes 

SmallMoney 4 Bytes  
Money  8 Bytes
it represent monetary or currency values.

Declare @num1 Real
Set @num1=241444545423232355.32
Print @num1

Declare @num float
Set @num=5667567567544.32
Print @num

Declare @num3 Numeric(18,2)
Set @num3=4545455545454545.25
Print @num3

Declare @num4 Decimal(32,2)
Set @num4=154595476.32
Print @num4

String Datatype 

char and varchar
Character data types that are either fixed-size, char, or variable-size, varchar.

nchar and nvarchar
Unicode character data types that are either fixed-size, nchar, or variable-size, nvarchar.

text and ntext - will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.

Create Table CheckcharDatatype
ID Int Primary Key Identity(1,1),
Name_Char char(100),
Name_NChar Nchar(100),
Name_varchar varchar(100),
Name_Nvarchar Nvarchar(100),
Name_varcharmax varchar(max),
Name_Nvarcharmax Nvarchar(max),
Name_Text Text,
Name_Ntext NText

Insert Into CheckcharDatatype values ('India','India','India','India','India','India','India','India')


Difference between char and varchar

Difference between char and varchar

Difference between varchar and Nvarchar

Difference between varchar and Nvarchar

Difference between varchar and varchar(max)

Difference between varchar and varchar(max)

one tricky example of unicode character 

Declare @name nvarchar(50)
Set @name='आप कैसे हैं'
Print @Name

?? ??? ?????

Declare @name nvarchar(50)
Set @name=N'आप कैसे हैं'
Print @Name

आप कैसे हैं

Boolean - to save 0 or 1 value - true (1) & False(0) -Datatype is Bit.
1 Byte storage required.

Declare @isgraduate bit
Set @isgraduate=1
Select @isgraduate

if @isgraduate=1
Select 'Graduate Candidate'
Select 'Ungraduate Candidate'

Declare @number bit
Set @number=-454
Select @number

Date  - This Datatype is used for to save Date , time & Datetime.


Data type Output
date 2023-05-10
time 20:35:29.1234567
smalldatetime 2023-05-10 20:35:00
datetime 2023-05-10 20:35:29.123
datetime2 2023-05-10 20:35:29.1234567
datetimeoffset 2023-05-10 20:35:29.1234567 +05:30

Declare @Currentdate Date
Set @Currentdate=getdate()
Select @Currentdate As _Date

output - 2023-05-17

Declare @Currenttime Time
Set @Currenttime=getdate()
Select @Currenttime As _Time

output - 11:07:26.9300000

Declare @CurrentsmallDatetime SmallDateTime
Set @CurrentsmallDatetime=getdate()
Select @CurrentsmallDatetime As _DateTime

output - 2023-05-17 11:07:00

Declare @CurrentDatetime DateTime
Set @CurrentDatetime=getdate()
Select @CurrentDatetime As _DateTime

output - 2023-05-17 11:07:26.930

Declare @CurrentDatetime2 DateTime2
Set @CurrentDatetime2=getdate()
Select @CurrentDatetime2 As _DateTime2

output - 2023-05-17 11:07:26.9300000

Declare @CurrentDatetimeoffset datetimeoffset
Set @CurrentDatetimeoffset=sysdatetimeoffset()
Select @CurrentDatetimeoffset As _DateTimeofset

output - 2023-05-17 11:07:26.9317754 +05:30

Binary - to Save binary Data like 10101000001100111 in Table.

binary - fixed length binary data.
varbinary - variable length binary data.
varbinary(max) - variable length binary data. 1 through 8,000.

Other Datatype 

Cursor -  Cursor is a database object to retrieve data from a result set one row at a time, We use cursor when we need to do perform operation row by row basis.

Declare @Cursor Cursor
Declare @name varchar(50)

Set @Cursor=Cursor Forward_only  For
Select Name from Student

Open @Cursor
fetch Next From @Cursor into @name
  While @@FETCH_STATUS=0
   Print @name 
   fetch Next From @Cursor into @name

Close @cursor
Deallocate @cursor


UniqueIdentifier ---

GUID- Global Unique Identification number.
36 characters length
16 bytes taking to store UniqueIdentifier value.

Identity is used to uniquely identify records within a table. 
& GUIDs can be used to uniquely identify records across tables, databases, and servers.

4  -2   -2   -2   -6 =16 byte

16 Byte * 8 bit = 128 bit

SeqCol uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NewSequentialID(),
IDCol uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWID()
SeqCol                                                                          IDCol
7B63D241-F8EF-ED11-8A05-508492BBAC14     97997469-3D9B-492E-886B-D0CFBC95AF71
7C63D241-F8EF-ED11-8A05-508492BBAC14     96195494-F36A-4182-8F46-86F3655F4507

Why UniqueIdentifier come into the picture?

1) identity have specific limit.
2) UniqueIdentifier is used for uniquely identify records across tables, databases, and servers. example 

Use practice

Create Table Student 
Student_Id Int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Rahul','Pune',45454)
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Kiran','Mumbai',54545)
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Manish','Delhi',42121)
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Ketan','Pune',12112)

Use practice1

Create Table Student 
Student_Id Int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('mayank','Pune',45454)
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('gopal','Mumbai',54545)
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('krish','Delhi',42121)
Insert Into Student(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('shree','Pune',12112)

Create Table Studentcollection
Student_Id Uniqueidentifier Primary Key,
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int

Insert into [practice1].dbo.Studentcollection
Select * from [practice].dbo.Student
union all
Select * from [practice1].dbo.Student

below error we will get because 1 value in both result set, we can resolve it using Uniqueidentifier.

--Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 28
--Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__Studentc__A2F4E98CC412D729'. 
--Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Studentcollection'. The duplicate key value is (1).
--The statement has been terminated.

example of uniqueidentifier,

Use practice

Create Table Studentguid
Student_Id uniqueidentifier Primary Key default NewSequentialID(),
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Rahul','Pune',45454)
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Kiran','Mumbai',54545)
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Manish','Delhi',42121)
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('Ketan','Pune',12112)

Use practice1

Create Table Studentguid
Student_Id uniqueidentifier Primary Key default NewSequentialID(),
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('mayank','Pune',45454)
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('gopal','Mumbai',54545)
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('krish','Delhi',42121)
Insert Into Studentguid(Name,City,PhoneNumber) Values ('shree','Pune',12112)

Create Table Studentcollection
Student_Id Uniqueidentifier Primary Key,
Name Varchar(50) Not Null,
City Varchar(50) Null,
PhoneNumber Int

Insert into [practice1].dbo.Studentcollection
Select * from [practice].dbo.Studentguid
union all
Select * from [practice1].dbo.Studentguid


sql_variant - A column of type sql_variant may contain rows of different data types.
A data type that stores values of various SQL Server-supported data types.


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tab_sql_variant](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[VarDatatype] [sql_variant] NULL,
[Datatype] varchar(20) NULL

Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values ('Sagar','char/varchar')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values (555,'Number/int')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values (25.62,'Decimal point')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values ('2023-05-21','Date')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values ('2023-05-21 10:23:08.300','Datetime')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values ('10:23:08.300','Time')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values (0,'bit')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values (1,'bit')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values ($25,'Money')
Insert into Tab_sql_variant Values (NEWID(),'UniqueIdentifier')

Select * from Tab_sql_variant


XML It's the data type that stores XML data. You can store xml instances in a column, or a variable of xml type.

max size is 2GB.


Select * from Student
for XMl path ('Student'), Root ('StudentTable')


-----------Assign xml data to XML DataType

Declare @x XML
set @x=(
Select * from Student
for XMl path ('Student'), Root ('StudentTable')
select @x

Image -  Variable-length binary data from 0 through 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) bytes.


The geometry type represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system.
The geography type represents data in a round-earth coordinate system.

Table variable - Table as Datatype

Declare @Student Table
Student_Id Int identity(1,1),
Name Varchar(50) Not Null
Insert Into @Student(Name) Values ('Rahul')

Select * from @Student

Student_Id Name
1                 Rahul
