Check Constraint

 Constraint are rules enforced on column.

1. check constraint allows you to specify a condition on each row in a table.

2. We defined it on Table only not for View.

we can check data (value) before inserting data into the table.

Check Constraint
1. while creating table.

Create Table Emp


EmpId Int Identity(1,1),

Name Varchar(50) Not Null,

Age Int check (Age>=20),

CreatedDate DateTime Default getdate()


2. while creating table using constraint

Create Table Emp


EmpId Int Identity(1,1),

Name Varchar(50) Not Null,

Age Int check (Age>=20),

CreatedDate DateTime 

Constraint const_check Check(CreatedDate<=getdate())


3. Add after table Creation -New Column 

Alter Table Emp

Add City varchar(50) Check (City<>'Delhi')

4. Add after table Creation -Existing Column

Alter Table Emp

Add Constraint Const_Check Check (Name<>'')

Disable Constraint

Alter Table Emp

NoCheck Constraint Const_Check

Note - We can disable foreign key constraint and Check Constraint.

Drop Constraint

Alter Table Emp

Drop Constraint Const_Check


Create table Account


Id INT Primary Key,

Salary Int check(Salary>0)


Insert Into Account Values (1,2000)   --Allow

Insert Into Account Values (2,null)   --Allow

Insert Into Account Values (3,-5)   --Not Allow because -5 not greater than 0.

Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__Account__Salary__4E88ABD4". The conflict occurred in database "Practice", table "dbo.Account", column 'Salary'.

The statement has been terminated.


Alter table Account

Nocheck Constraint CK__Account__Salary__4E88ABD4

or Condition like check(Salary>=-5)

Insert Into Account Values (3,-5) ---Possible.

Enable Constraint

Alter table Account

check Constraint CK__Account__Salary__4E88ABD4
